Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 24th Announcements

Hope everyone had a great holiday!

August 11th RS Activity: Canning, Jams, and spices 6:30 pm.... mark your calendar.

Aug 25th ward BBQ
Aug 26-27 Ward camp out

We are wishing Ita good luck today and tomorrow on her test!

Also there are a couple of pans Lisa found as she has been packing that she believes came from someone who has made a meal for her in the past.  If you think one of them could be yours, please contact Lucetta.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17th Announcements

Thank you to all who came to the linger longer, it was wonderful and we had a great turn out.  For those who could not make it, we hope you make the next one.

As for announcements:
Anyone who was kind enough to make meals for the Chestnut's a little while ago....thank you, if you did not get your dishes back, please contact Michelle, she has a few and does not know who they belong to.

Remember Choir!
August 11th we are having a Relief Society activity, learning about Canning, Spices, and freezer jams.  The activity starts at 6:30 and Babysitting is available for one hour 6:30-7:30.

Also good luck to Ita on her upcoming test!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Announcements for July 10th

There is a Linger Longer July 17th 1 pm in the 1500 court.
This is a Picnic Potluck, bring your blankets and chairs and a side to share.
For further questions, please contact Rebekah Davies

August 11th is a Relief Society Activity at the church 6:30 pm.
Babysitting availble 
from 6:30 to 7:30.
We will be learning about Canning, Freezer jam, and spices. 
Mark your calenders.

New Name Yet Again

Welcome to a new name!

As the Sale Lake Married 4th Ward, this will be our blog for announcements and updates to any 
changes made to upcoming events.  

Please feel free to share the blog address with other ward members.